put-, puta-, -pute, -puter, -puting, -putate, -putation, -putative
(Latin: putatus past participle of putare: to think over, consider, reckon, count; to trim, prune, lop, cut, clean, clear, unmixed)
From Latin, puto-, putare: literally; especially of trees, "to lop, to prune" and "to cleanse, to clear"; then (1) "to clear up, to settle"; especially, of accounts; (2) "to reckon, to estimate, to value"; (3) "to consider, to hold, to believe, to think".
putative (adjective)
1. Generally believed to be, or regarded, as being something: "He was considered to be the putative father of the child."
2. Believed to exist now or to have existed at some other time.
2. Believed to exist now or to have existed at some other time.
The second of two or more surgical operations performed on the same body part: When Doug had one of his fingers amputated from his left hand, he had another accident while he was chopping wood for his fireplace and a reamputation had to be made on the same multi-fingered organ.
1. An additional (usually a second) count; especially, of the votes in a close election.
2. To narrate, tell the story or detail, or to give a detailed account of something.
3. To enumerate something.
2. To narrate, tell the story or detail, or to give a detailed account of something.
3. To enumerate something.
reputability (s) (noun)
1. That which is considered to be good or acceptable usage; standard: "The reputability of his conversation was appreciated by his clients because they could easily understand what he was talking about."
2. Trustworthiness by virtue of being respectable and having a good reputation: "The reputability of the investment counselor made it easier for people to have confidence that their money would be safe."
2. Trustworthiness by virtue of being respectable and having a good reputation: "The reputability of the investment counselor made it easier for people to have confidence that their money would be safe."
reputable (adjective), more reputable, most reputable
1. A reference to something or someone that is trustworthy and honorable: Benjamin is known to be a reputable businessman as a dealer of cars.
2. Etymology: from Latin reputare, "reflect upon"; from re-, "repeatedly" + putare, "to reckon, to consider" + -able, "capable."

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2. Etymology: from Latin reputare, "reflect upon"; from re-, "repeatedly" + putare, "to reckon, to consider" + -able, "capable."

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reputableness (noun)
Being of good repute or being honorable and respectable.
reputably (adverb), more reputably, most reputably
Descriptive of how a person has a good reputation; honorably, respectably: At his office, Doug was reputably appreciated and highly regarded by all of his colleagues.
1. The condition, quality, or fact, of being highly regarded or esteemed; credit, note, or distinction; also, respectability.
2. The general estimation, or regard, that the public has for a person.
3. The state of being held in high esteem and honor by others.
4. The generally accepted estimation of someone, or something, as having particular qualities or attributes.
5. A favorable and publicly recognized name or standing for merit, achievement, reliability, etc.
2. The general estimation, or regard, that the public has for a person.
3. The state of being held in high esteem and honor by others.
4. The generally accepted estimation of someone, or something, as having particular qualities or attributes.
5. A favorable and publicly recognized name or standing for merit, achievement, reliability, etc.
1. An opinion generally held about someone or something: "His work with charities put his name in good repute."
2. An estimation or character according to what people in general think about someone or something: "His books placed him in good repute around the world."
2. An estimation or character according to what people in general think about someone or something: "His books placed him in good repute around the world."
reputed (adjective)
A reference to what is accepted by general public belief, whether or not it is correct: "The mountains in this area had a reputed attraction for hikers."
reputedly (adverb)
According to a general, or popular, belief: "At one time his wife was reputedly the richest woman in the world".
A type of computer used in scientific applications, characterized by complex computations involving floating-point arithmetic.
subreputable (adjective)
A slightly questionable opinion or belief about someone: "There was a subreputable attitude regarding the politician's honesty."
A term for any extremely powerful, large-capacity computer, that is capable of processing huge amounts of data in an extremely short time.
An amputation resulting from direct trauma.
Related cutting-word units: cast-; castrat-; -cise, -cide; -ectomy; mutil-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.